CAHZ - Coleção de Aves Heretiano Zenaide
UFPB - Universidade Federal da ParaíbaDepartamento de Ciências Biológicas
Centro de Ciências Agrárias (Campus II), Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12
Areia - PB - Brazil
The Heretiano Zenaide Bird Collection (CAHZ), from the Federal University of Paraíba, has about 1600 specimens of taxidermized birds and 1300 tissue samples for DNA extraction. The specimens and tissue samples from this collection represent witness of the diversity of birds in the Northeast of Brazil, and are available for scientific and educational purposes. CAHZ aims to preserve specimens that characterize the environmental diversity found in the region, as well as the morphological diversity of the species which occur there.
Online since: 07/05/2020Last update: 13/08/2024
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
The data from the Heretiano Zenaide Bird Collection (CAHZ) are available for use, provided the following conditions are observed: a) any use of the data in analysis or publications must be included in the acknowledgments, with the due indication of the origin of the data; b) the data, even partial, cannot be redistributed without explicit written authorization from the curator of the collection; c) a copy of any publication in which the data is cited must be sent to the collection; d) researchers and their institutions are responsible for the proper use of the data. The collection does not guarantee the accuracy of specimen identification and associated data.
How to cite
Coleção de Aves Heretiano Zenaide (CAHZ)
Director or head of department:Carlos Henrique de Brito
Helder Farias Pereira de Araújo
Alexsandra Frazao de Andrade