CM - Coleção de Mamíferos da UNEMAT - Campus Nova Xavantina

UNEMAT - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
Departamento de Biologia
Br 158 km655;Caixa Postal: 09
Nova Xavantina - MT - Brazil

The Mammal Collection of UNEMAT at Campus Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso, is home to species representative of the Cerrado biome. Great part of the specimens is from the mid region of the Araguaia river, including threatened species such as the giant armadillo (Priodontes maximus), the bush dog (Speothos venaticus) and the pampas cat (Leopardus colocolo). The collection contains skins, skulls, and whole animals preserved in alcohol, mainly bats and small rodents.
The cataloging and computing record of the collection is in progress with the use of the databank software MS-Access. Thus, all specimens deposited in this collection are known, and the acquisition of information by scientists is usually immediate and efficient. Each specimens of this collection has an identification label containing the number, the scientific and common names of the species, information on the field work (local of origin, habitat and the collector´s name), the identification of the
person that preserved the specimens, besides information on the specimens such as sex, biometric measures and weight.
This is the only scientific collection focused on species found in the mid region of the Araguaia river. All material has been collected by researchers and students of the UNEMAT Program of Biology at Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso. Information on the specimens is available to the scientific and non-scientific communities.

Online since: 29/09/2010
Last update: 12/05/2015

Number of records

Total: 784
Online: 784
Georeferenced: 448
(by municipality: 318)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Data from the Mammal Collection of UNEMAT at Campus Nova Xavantina - CMNX are available to consultation and use according to the strict observance of the following guidelines: a) any use of data in analyzes or publications should mention, in the proper section (material and methods or acknovledgements) the due indication of the provenance of the original data; b) the person in charge of the CMNX should be notified about the situations mentioned in the precedent item; c) the data, even if partial, cannot be distributed without the written consent of the person in charge for the collection; d) a copy of any publication, distributed in printed or digital form, in which the data are mentioned, should be sent to the UNEMAT - CMNX; e) the users and their institutions are accountable for the adequate use of the data. The CMNX cannot certify the accuracy of the identification of specimens and, in some cases, of the data associated to them.

How to cite

Coleção de Mamíferos- NX (Coleção de Mamíferos da UNEMAT - Campus Nova Xavantina, MT)


Director or head of department:
Joaquim Manoel da Silva
Teresa Cristina da Silveira Anacleto