CMOUPF - Coleção Moluscos da UPF
UPF - Universidade de Passo FundoMuseu Zoobotânico Augusto Ruschi - Instituto de Ciências Biológicas
BR 285, Bairro São José
Passo Fundo - RS - Brazil
The Collection of Mollusks from the University of Passo Fundo is located at the Augusto Ruschi Zoobotanical Museum of the Biological Sciences Institute of the University of Passo Fundo. Represents mollusks, from southern Brazil, with a goal of research and education. A collection has 711 specimens.
Online since: 07/06/2019Last update: 12/07/2019
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
The UPF Mollusc Collection data are available for consultation and use under the following conditions: - it is prohibited to commercialize the data available; - the use must be duly credited to the collection by citing its name and acronym, and the curator of the collection must be notified; - a copy of any publication in which the data are cited must be sent to the curator. The responsibility for the proper use of the data lies with the researchers and their institutions, and it is up to the user to check the data before using it for any purpose.
How to cite
Not specified
Director or head of department:Flávia Biondo da Silva
Director or head of department:
Jurema Schons
Élinton Luis Rezende