CNPO - Herbário CNPO

Embrapa - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária
CPPSul - Centro de Pesquisa Pecuária dos Campos sul-brasileiros
Setor de Plantas Forrageiras
BR 153, Km 632,9, Vila Industrial - Zona Rural. Caixa Postal 242
Bagé - RS - Brazil

The CNPO Herbarium is located at Embrapa Southern Livestock, in Bagé, founded in 1978, and has a collection about 4,800 species, mainly Poaceae and Fabaceae. The city of Bagé is located in the region of Rio Grande do Sul, belonging to Brazilian Pampa Biome, composed of large areas of natural rangelands. Exsicates data were processed using Excel and Darwin Core, and ultimately published at Brazilian Biodiversity Information System (SiBBr) through the IPT (Integrated Publishing Toolkit) and the GBIF (3.484 results). Thus, the Reference Collection of the CNPO Herbarium of the Embrapa Pecuária Sul has 4,775 samples (specially from the Pampa Biome) maintained and organized, of which 4,087 are computerized, with 4,082 records published online on the IPT public platform.

Online since: 15/03/2023
Last update: 16/05/2024

Number of records

Total: 4,775
Online: 5,752
Georeferenced: 0
(by municipality: 3,980)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Not specified

How to cite

Not specified


Director or head of department:
Fernando Flores Cardoso
Director or head of department:
Marcos Flávio Silva Borba
Ana Cristina Mazzocato