CP-LIPAN - Coleção de Peixes do Laboratório de Ictiologia do Pantanal Norte

UNEMAT - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
Centro de Pesquisa em Limn. Biod. e Etnb. do Pantanal
Avenida Santos Dumont, Bairro Santos Dumont, Cidade Universitária S/N
Cáceres - MT - Brazil

The ichthyology collection from the Laboratory of Ichthyology from the Northern Pantanal relies mostly on fish specimens from the Pantanal region, including samples from the Northern Pantanal of Mato Grosso. It also presents specimens representing the Amazon basin of the Southwest region of Mato Grosso. It has relevance in the field of research on ichthyofaunistic inventory, as well as supporting ecological research actions. As it is a new collection, with material from 2011, we have about 150 species, comprising more than 5000 specimens. The objective of the collection is to maintain the total of descripted species in the Pantanal environment, as well as popularize the importance of scientific collections, either for production of knowledge or extension actions with the scientific and local community.

Online since: 16/10/2019
Last update: 16/10/2019

Number of records

Total: 259
Online: 259
Georeferenced: 16
(by municipality: 184)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

The data inserted in the collection will be public, and should, through its use, cite: CPLIPAN-Fish Collection of the Laboratório de Ictiologia do Pantanal Norte. Centro de pesquisa em Limnologia, Biodiversidade e Etnobiologia do Pantanal. Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso. Loans and donation of material can be requested via institutional email of the laboratory that houses the fish collection.

How to cite

CP-LIPAN - Coleção de Peixes do Laboratório de Ictiologia do Pantanal Norte. Centro de pesquisa em Limnologia, Biodiversidade e Etnobiologia do Pantanal. Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso


Claumir Cesar Muniz
Ana paula Dalbem Barbosa
Ernandes Sobreira Oliveira Junior