CRI - Herbário Pe. Dr. Raulino Reitz

UNESC - Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense
Pró-Reitoria de Pós-Graduação Pesquisa e Extensão
Av. Universitária, 1105;
Bairro Universitário;
Cx.Postal 3167
Criciúma - SC - Brazil

The Collection of the Herbarium at the Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense comprises an important collection of plant biodiversity in the region. the collection currently has 9.000 specimens and is registered in the Index Herbariorum.

Online since: 20/09/2011
Last update: 01/01/2025

Number of records

Total: 15,115
Online: 15,115
Georeferenced: 14,424
(by municipality: 615)
With images: 13,181

Conditions for using the data

Data available for personal use and scientific and not sold.

How to cite

Herbário Pe. Dr. Raulino Reitz - CRI (


Director or head of department:
Ricardo Aurino de Pinho
Guilherme Alves Elias