CVJBFZB - Coleção de Plantas Vivas do Jardim Botânico da Fundação de Parques Municipais e Zoobotânica
FZB-BH - Fundação Zoo-Botânica de Belo HorizonteJardim Botânico
Av. Otacílio Negrão de Lima, 8000 - Pampulha
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
The collections of living plants of the Botanical Garden of FZB-BH, totaling 4209 records, are distributed according to the main Brazilian biomes: Atlantic and tropical forests, Cerrado and Rupestres fields, Caatinga and arid environments. This stock is composed mostly by collections of native plants of Minas Gerais, with 281 endangered species according to the official lists of Brazil and Minas Gerais. The ex situ collections are recognized as one of the most important tools for biodiversity conservation available to the botanical gardens and have different purposes: to rescue and maintain the germplasm threatened with extinction; facilitate studies on taxonomy, ecology, ethnobotany and horticulture; produce material to reduce the pressure of the collections; produce educational material for preservation and display.
Online since: 04/06/2014Last update: 01/06/2023
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Not specified
Director or head of department:Odilberto Roque Bezerra
Míriam Pimentel Mendonça
Inês Ribeiro de Andrade
Carlos Alberto Ferreira Júnior