Catavento - Inventário Arbóreo Museu Catavento
CCE - Catavento Cultural e EducacionalAv Mercúrio, s/n - Pq Dom Pedro II, Brás
São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Arboreal inventory of isolated individuals located in the area of the Catavento Museum in the Municipality of São Paulo - SP. Inventory carried out by Alpes Meio Ambiente, Consultoria e Projetos Ambientais. This survey was carried out in August 29, 2018 and the following document was used as reference: Levantamento florístico das espécies arbóreas no Palácio das Indústrias, São Paulo – SP by Giuliano Araujo de Lima and Prof. Fátima Otavina de Souza Buturi.
Online since: 10/09/2018Last update: 24/07/2019
Number of records
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Data of public access
How to cite
Inventário Arbóreo Museu Catavento
Biologist:Caio Santilli