DVPR - Herbário da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Dois Vizinhos

UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
UTFPR-DV - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Dois Vizinhos
Coordenação de Engenharia Florestal - Ciências Biológicas
Estrada para Boa Esperança, Km 04
Dois Vizinhos - PR - Brazil

The Herbarium of Federal University of technology – Paraná, located in Dois Vizinhos (DVPR) was designed by Professor Bechara, F.C. in 2008 in order to attend Botany classes, as well as projects of phytosociological surveys and restoration of degradated areas, of Forestry.In 2009, Professsor Estevan, D.A. was hired as a professor of plant taxonomy and curator of the herbarium.After four years of building’s construction, the herbarium DVPR was opened in 2012, with 800 exsiccates already, donations of herbaria UNIFIL, FUEL and HCF. Currently, the herbarium meets courses of Forestry, Biological Sciences, Agronomy, Animal Science and Education in the Field, and research projects from CNPq (575081/2008-2) and partnership with the Parana State Company of Energy-Copel, which has several permanent plots in forest fragment, and plots of passive and active regeneration. The collection currently consists of approximately 1,800 specimens of plants, especially angiosperms, drawn from fragments of the region, of the project to restore degraded areas, as well as donations from others herbaria. The computerization of plants started at the end of 2013, using the Brahms program and it's in progress. Despite of the the recent and still small collection, the tendency after the consolidation of the faculty and herbarium's installation is to grow and become a reference collection to the Southwest of Paraná, which has few jobs of surveys of vegetation and registers in herbaria. With the Professor Fernanda Ferrari hiring, also started a collection of algae, and, currently, the herbarium has a collection of 44 samples from research projects and teaching conducted by UTFPR’s professors in lotic and lentic environments (natural and artificial) located in the Southwest of Parana.its noteworthy that the Southwest of Paraná is a region whose sampling of phytoplankton and periphyton communities in aquatic environments is still in its infancy, considering the size of the drainage area, especially the Iguaçu River basin, in the lower course of the river. In this regard, efforts are being made to expand the number of sites and aquatic environments sampled, aiming at increasing knowledge and records of local algal flora.

Online since: 20/02/2014
Last update: 01/02/2025

Number of records

Total: 6,567
Online: 7,120
Georeferenced: 3,745
(by municipality: 3,291)
With images: 5,796

Conditions for using the data

It proibidade the comerciacilzação and no citation of the source data.

How to cite

Not specified


Director or head of department:
Alfredo de Gouvêa
Daniela Aparecida Estevan
Fernanda Ferrari