DZUP-Lepidoptera - Coleção Entomológica Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure (Lepidoptera)
UFPR - Universidade Federal do ParanáDepartamento de Zoologia
Centro Politécnico; Jardim das Américas; Setor de Ciências Biológicas
Caixa Postal 19020;
Curitiba - PR - Brazil
A coleção de Lepidoptera é composta de exemplares principalmente da região neotropical, sendo a mais significativa nesta região. Possue 363 tipos primários, entre holótipos, neótipos e lectótipos de espécies neotropicais. Sendo o Prof. Dr. O. H. H. Mielke curador de Hesperioidea e mariposas (130.415 exemplares) e Profa. Dra. M. M. Casagrande de Papilionidea (137.590 exemplares).
A coleção empresta, troca e identifica amostras para cientistas e estudantes, servindo de apoio a estudos, entre outros, em sistemática, biodiversidade, biologia, morfologia, biogeografia, etc. para distintas linhas de pesquisa.
Last update: 28/06/2017
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
The data of the Entomological Collection Father Jesus Santiago Moure are available for inspection and use, provided they meet the following conditions: 1) responsible for the collection should be notified for any use of the data for analysis or reports, 2) the data, even partial can not be reprocessed, sold, or redistributed in any form without explicit written permission of the responsible collection, 3) any use of the information in publications or analyzes should be acknowledged, with due indication of source of original records; 4) a copy of any publication that records are cited must be sent to the curator responsible. 5) users and their institutions are responsible for the appropriate use of information, 6) the Entomological Collection Father Jesus Santiago Moure and its team gives no warranty of accuracy in identification of specimens and associated data. The users are responsible for evaluate the taxonomist who identified the material, its experience and knowledge in the group in question.
How to cite
Not specified
Director or head of department:Mário Antonio Navarro
Head curator:
Luciane Marinoni
Mirna M. Casagrande
Olaf H.H. Mielke
Information technology:
Sionei Ricardo Bonatto