FDZ - Fototeca Danilo Zavatin

Personal collection

Rua do Matão, 321 Trav. 14
São Paulo - SP - Brazil

Personal photo collection aimed at recording native plants, with exceptions for some naturalized plants that I find on field expeditions. Most of the photos represent species that were collected and deposited in a herbarium. They are usually from Cerrado and Atlantic Forest, with great representation in the Semideciduous Seasonal Forest of the city of Americana, my hometown. I have continuously learned and specialized in botanical photography techniques, including teaching a specific course on the subject at some national and international universities. I am currently developing the photographic plate system that tries to represent characters in detail as it is in botanical illustration.

Online since: 20/01/2022
Last update: 20/01/2022

Number of records

Total: -
Online: 3
Georeferenced: 3
(by municipality: 0)
With images: 3

Conditions for using the data

Not specified

How to cite

Not specified


Danilo Alvarenga Zavatin