FVD - Fototeca Vinícius Dittrich

Personal collection

Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora;
Rua José Lourenço Kelmer, s/n - Campus Universitário, Bairro São Pedro
Juiz de Fora - MG - Brazil

Photo collection of plants and fungi from Brazil, especially from eastern country and campos rupestres (rocky fields).

Online since: 16/06/2015
Last update: 15/12/2023

Number of records

Total: 132
Online: 132
Georeferenced: 126
(by municipality: 5)
With images: 132

Conditions for using the data

Use of data: Can be used for research, teaching and extension, since the source is cited. Do not sell the data.<br> <br>Use of images: If you are interested in using my photos for lectures, feel free to do it, but please do not forget citing the author. If you wish to use them in any other way, please contact me at vinarc@gmail.com

How to cite

Fototeca Vinícius Dittrich, FVD


Vinícius Antonio de Oliveira Dittrich