Fiocruz-CCBH - Coleção de Culturas de Bactérias de Origem Hospitalar
Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo CruzLaboratório de Pesquisa em Infecção Hospitalar
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - IOC;
Av. Brasil 4365 - Manguinhos, Pavilhão Rocha Lima - 3º Andar
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
The Culture Collection of Hospital-Acquired Bacteria, acronym CCBH, is located at the Research Laboratory in nosocomial infection (LAPIH), and performs bacteriological, epidemiological and molecular analysis for strains isolated from nosocomial infection. In this collection are preserved approximately 8,000 strains of bacteria representing 30 distinct species among the most frequently cited: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter baumannii, Enterobacter cloacae, Entrobacter aerogenes and Serratia marcescens, isolated form cases of septicemia, meningitis, penumonias among others. Apart from those of hospital outbreaks occurred in several regions of the country. The lineages are provided, for researchers from various public and private Institutions, national and international. In addition, the collection performs various services such as: the maintenance, preservation and distribution of crops, taxonomic characterization and genotypic analysis. The CCBH account with the support of FINEP, FAPERJ and CNPq, being affiliated to the World Federation of Culture Collections (WFCC) YOU WILL FIND, WDCM 947) and faithful depository in the Management Board of the genetic patrimony, CGEN (No. 022/2010) as a sub-collection of CCBS.
Online since: 09/05/2013Last update: 29/11/2016
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Conditions for using the data
Available in the 'Policy for the Access of Data and Information on the Biological Collections', attached to the Organization Guide for the Biological Collections of Fiocruz, which can be obtained on the <a target='_blank' href=''> Biological Collections </a> web page from Fiocruz Portal.
How to cite
Not specified
Director or head of department:José Paulo Gagliardi Leite
Marise Dutra Asensi
Ana Paula D'Allincourt Carvalho Assef
Liliane Miyuki Seki