Fiocruz-CCFF - Coleção de Culturas de Fungos Filamentosos

Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Laboratório de Taxonomia, Bioquímica e Bioprospecção de Fungos
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - IOC;
Av. Brasil 4365 - Manguinhos, Pavilhão Rocha Lima - sala 525
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

The Culture Collection of Filamentous Fungi IOC (CCFF-IOC/FIOCRUZ) was founded in 1922 with the purpose of preserving specimens of environmental interest. The major activity of the CCFF is to keep the strains available in its collection preserved, with their original biomorphological and genetic characteristics. The collection is directly linked to the Laboratory of Taxonomy, Biochemistry and Bioprospecting Fungi, LTBBF, of IOC, and has approximately 4630 strains, divided into 14 genus and 573 species, representing taxonomic groups belonging to Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and mostly fungal mitosporics. The strains are derived from several substrates such as soil, air, plant, animal and human materials with diverse geographic representation, being most part from South America. Click the collection name in the header of the page, for more information.

Online since: 26/02/2008
Last update: 13/01/2025

Number of records

Total: 4,630
Online: 950
Georeferenced: 71
(by municipality: 118)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Available in the 'Policy for the Access of Data and Information on the Biological Collections', attached to the Organization Guide for the Biological Collections of Fiocruz, which can be obtained on the <a target='_blank' href=''> Biological Collections </a> web page from Fiocruz Portal.

How to cite

Not specified


Aurea Maria Lage de Moraes
Substitute curator:
Simone Quinelato Bezerra
Fernanda da Silva Santos
Ingrid dos Santos da Silva