Fiocruz-CMM - Coleção de Malacologia Médica

Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Instituto René Rachou
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz - CPqRR;
Av. Augusto de Lima, 1715 - Barro Preto
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil

The Collection of Medical Malacology (Fiocruz-CMM) is located at the CPqRR’s Laboratory of Helminthology and Medical Malacology (LHMM), Fiocruz/MG . The collection includes samples of mollusks from Germany, France, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela. This collection is comprised of representatives of the genera Biomphalaria Preston, 1910, Lymnaea Lamarck, 1799, Pseudosuccinea (Say, 1817), Galba d’Orbigny, 1835, Physa Draparnaud, 1801; Drepanotrema Fischer & Crosse, 1880; Helisoma Swainson, 1840; Melanoides Olivier, 1804. The fourth ones genera include, the Brazilian, intermediate hosts of the trematodes Schistosoma mansoni Sambon, 1907 and Fasciola hepatica (Linnaeus, 1758), etiological agents of schistosomiasis mansoni and fasciolosis. Fiocruz-CMM is an important collection for the national system of epidemiological control and health surveillance and is directly related to research activities and the LHMM’s National Schistosomiasis Reference Service, mostly aimed at mollusks of the Biomphalaria genus.

Online since: 05/04/2010
Last update: 19/08/2021

Number of records

Total: 16,765
Online: 16,875
Georeferenced: 27
(by municipality: 0)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Available in the 'Policy for the Access of Data and Information on the Biological Collections', attached to the Organization Guide for the Biological Collections of Fiocruz, which can be obtained on the <a target='_blank' href=''> Biological Collections </a> web page from Fiocruz Portal.

How to cite

Coleção de Malacologia Médica, CMM (


Director or head of department:
Roberto Sena Rocha
Cristiane Lafeta Furtado de Mendonça
Substitute curator:
Roberta Lima Caldeira
Júlia Dal Ferro Rodrigues Pessoa