Fiocruz-CTIOC - Coleção de Triatomíneos do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz

Fiocruz - Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
Laboratório Nacional e Internacional de Referência em Taxonomia de Triatomíneos
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - IOC;
Av. Brasil 4365 - Manguinhos, Pavilhão Rocha Lima - sala 509
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

The Triatomines Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute (CTIOC) is one of the oldest of the institution, because it began to be formed in 1909 when the Chagas' disease was discovered. It currently helds more than 9,000 dry-mounted specimens of triatomines and other reduviids, being under the responsibility of the National and International Laboratory of Reference in Taxonomy of Triatomines (LNIRTT). The LNIRTT also keeps an insectary, today with 46 species kept in 150 colonies, which provide live material for researchers working with vectors of the Chagas' disease.

Online since: 29/09/2011
Last update: 25/07/2022

Number of records

Total: 24,000
Online: 13,067
Georeferenced: 0
(by municipality: 52)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Available in the 'Policy for the Access of Data and Information on the Biological Collections', attached to the Organization Guide for the Biological Collections of Fiocruz, which can be obtained on the <a target='_blank' href=''> Biological Collections </a> web page from Fiocruz Portal.

How to cite

Fiocruz - CTIOC - Coleção de Triatomíneos do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz


DSc Hugo José Lopes Guimarães
Substitute curator:
DSc Cleber Galvão Ferreira
MSc João Paulo Sales Oliveira Correia