GCPP - Herbário Professor Geraldo C.P. Pinto

UFSB - Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia
Centro de Formação em Ciências Ambientais
BR 367, Km 10, Rodovia Eunápolis-Porto Seguro, Campus da UFSB, Zona Rural. Cx. Postal 108.
Porto Seguro - BA - Brazil

The Herbarium Professor Geraldo Carlos Pereira Pinto (GCPP), was created on 04/17/2015, in honor of the Bahian agronome that contributed greatly to the knowledge of the flora of Bahia and the domesticated flora such as oil, cocoa and some introduced grasses. The GCPP's mission is to show, study, safeguard and disseminate knowledge about plant diversity, with special attention to the Flora of the Atlantic Forest of the Southern Extreme of Bahia. Currently, the collection has about 3,000 samples, of which 1,815 are registered in a database. The collection has so far recorded 112 families of Flower plants, 08 of Ferns and Lychophytes and 01 Bryophytes, mainly from the Atlantic Forest of southern Bahia and other Phytogeographic Domains of the state. It has 01 Type Nomenclatural. In addition to the collection of exsiccates, the GCPP has other associated Collections of Pollen (palinoFloras), Fruits, Seeds and Wood.

Online since: 13/03/2023
Last update: 14/01/2025

Number of records

Total: 3,000
Online: 3,105
Georeferenced: 2,356
(by municipality: 728)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Not specified

How to cite

Herbário Prof. Geraldo C.P. Pinto (GCPP)


Director or head of department:
Fabrício Berton Zanchi
Dra. Cristiana Barros Nascimento Costa
Dr. Jorge Antonio Silva Costa