HB - Herbarium Bradeanum
UERJ - Universidade do Estado do Rio de JaneiroIBRAG - Instituto de Biologia Roberto Alcantara Gomes
Departamento de Biologia Vegetal
Pavilhão João Lyra Filho, Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco E, Segundo Andar, Sala 2014
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
The Herbarium Bradeanum (HB), founded in 1956 by Guido Pabst, is characterized as an important collection of Brazilian flora hosted by UERJ for about 30 years. It represents the third largest botanical collection in the state of Rio de Janeiro, with 95,416 records, of which around 2,000 nomenclatural types. It consists predominantly of specimens from the Brazilian flora, with some important historical collections by some naturalists, such as A.C. Brade and G. Pabst.
Online since: 19/01/2023Last update: 01/11/2024
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
Not specified
How to cite
Herbarium Bradeanum da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (hb.jbrj.gov.br)
Director or head of department:Norma Albarello
Sebastião José da Silva Neto
Patricia Da Rosa