HDJFw - Xiloteca do Herbário Dendrológico Jeanine Felfili

UFVJM - Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri
Departamento de Engenharia Florestal
HDJF Collection
Campus JK, Rodovia MGT 367, KM 583, nº 5000, Alto da Jacuba
Diamantina - MG - Brazil

Woody collection of trees from the Herbário Dendrológico Jeanine Felfili is an important source of reference and consultation to the various species taxons in the region. The collection is still used for research, teaching and extension of various courses offered at the University. The collection consists of samples from suppression areas after the licensing process has been approved.

Online since: 27/04/2020
Last update: 24/03/2022

Number of records

Total: 119
Online: 119
Georeferenced: 119
(by municipality: 0)
With images: 26

Conditions for using the data

The commercialization of data, whether raw or processed, is prohibited; The use of any information directly or derived from the data requires citation.

How to cite

Herbário Dendrológico Jeanine Felfili (HDJF). Xiloteca. Número de tombo: 'Número'. Voucher: 'Coletor'. Disponível em: 'URL'. Acessado em: 'Data'.


Director or head of department:
Sebastião Lourenço de Assis Junior
Evandro Luiz Mendonça Macahdo
Thiago José Ornelas Otoni