HFC - Herbário Fernando Cardoso da Silva
Embrapa - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa AgropecuáriaCNPF - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Florestas
Laboratório de Ecologia
Embrapa Florestas - Estrada da Ribeira, km 111 - Bairro Guaraituba - Caixa Postal 319.
Colombo - PR - Brazil
The HFC herbarium was created in 1978 to assist Embrapa Florestas’s research on sustainable
economic production and ecological restoration. By March 2020 the collection comprised 10,563
exsiccatae on cardboard kept in a climatized room. Angiosperms coming from forests in east Paraná
(mainly the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba) are prevalent in the archive. A significant part of the
collection is made of Eucalyptus samples collected in Australia in the 1980’s.Exsiccatae images are not available.
Last update: 06/12/2024
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
Use of data for commercial purposes is not allowed. Data usage for scientific purposes must indicate
the source. We do not guarantee that our database is completely free of eventual identification
How to cite
herbário HFC
Director or head of department:Marcílio José Thomazini
Antonio Aparecido Carpanezzi
Irineu Antonio Olinisky
Information technology:
Gerson Rino Prantl Oaida