HPAN - Herbário do Pantanal Vali Joana Pott

UNEMAT - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso
Pró-reitoria de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação
Avenida Santos Dumont s/n;
Bairro Santos Dumont
Cáceres - MT - Brazil

This herbarium aims to be depositary of botanical samples from Southwestern Mato Grosso State. The collection is composed of samples from Pantanal, Cerrado and Amazonia. Samples from cultivated plants collected in etnobotanical and agroecological research are also stored. Our collection is composed of Bryophytes, Monilophytes, Lycophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms as the most representative group.

Online since: 15/01/2014
Last update: 26/08/2024

Number of records

Total: 8,500
Online: 7,239
Georeferenced: 4,350
(by municipality: 2,393)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Data from this collection cannot be used for comercial purposes. The herbarium must be cited when data are used for scientific purposes.

How to cite

HPAN – Herbário do Pantanal “Vali Joana Pott”, UNEMAT, Cáceres, MT.


Director or head of department:
Aurea Regina Alves Ignácio
Maria Antonia Carniello