HUSC - Herbário Unisanta

UNISANTA - Universidade Santa Cecília
Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Ambientais e Biológicas
Rua Oswaldo Cruz, 266 - Bloco B (sala 25) - Boqueirão
Santos - SP - Brazil

Our mission is to study the coastal ecosystems of the State of São Paulo that are part of the Atlantic Forest biome, focusing mainly on Restinga, Mangrove, and Dense Ombrophilous Forest. Our goal is also to provide a foundation and assist in the research and scientific initiation of undergraduate students from the programs in Biology, Pharmacy, Nutrition, and the graduate program in Ecology offered within the Graduate Program in Coastal and Marine Ecosystem Sustainability at Unisanta (ECOMAR).

As of 2024, the HUSC herbarium has a collection of 15,805 samples, of which 10,148 (70%) are digitized. This includes 5,839 vascular plants and 4,309 non-vascular plants. Among the non-vascular plants, the most represented groups are Bryophyta with 1,476 specimens and Marchantiophyta with 1,279, followed by macroalgae with 128 specimens and ferns and lycophytes with 100. In total, our collection comprises 3,214 species across 312 families, including 2,321 species of vascular plants and 893 species of non-vascular plants. We have 94 samples from 55 species listed as nationally threatened with extinction. Notably, there are 2 paratypes of the species Diplasiolejeunea cubatensis and one isotype of Myrcia guarujana. Among the most collected locations, the most significant collection in our herbarium is from the Flora of the Restinga State Park in Bertioga (PERB), followed by other locations in the Baixada Santista. Additionally, we have the largest collection in the country of the Flora of São Thomé das Letras – MG, thanks to a technical cooperation between the city government and HUSC.

Online since: 02/09/2014
Last update: 11/02/2025

Number of records

Total: 13,595
Online: 10,424
Georeferenced: 4,461
(by municipality: 5,724)
With images: 293

Conditions for using the data

It's forbiden the comercialization of the database; it's necessary to cite the source in scietific publications.

How to cite

Herbário Unisanta, HUSC (


Director or head of department:
Lucia Maria Teixeira Furlani
Paulo de S. Penteado Sampaio
Zélia Rodrigues de Mello