HVAT - Herbário do Vale do Taquari
UNIVATES - Universidade Vale do TaquariFUVATES - Fundação Vale do Taquari de Educação e Desenvolvimento Social
Museu de Ciências Naturais
Museu de Ciências Naturais da Univates;
Av. Avelino Tallini, 171, Bairro Universitário
Lajeado - RS - Brazil
The Taquari Valley's Herbarium (TVH) belongs to the Universitary Centre UNIVATES's Natural Science Museum. It has over 4000 specimens which has been digitally organized following the “Angiosperm Phylogeny Group III” system. It doesn't have any type specie sample neither any extra colection. The collected species are predominantely from the forest composition in which the TVH is located,
the Atlantic Forest. Although it also has a significantly number of species provided from the Rio Grande do Sul fields, mainly from the Pampa Biome. Among the botanic families registred at the TVH, the Orchidacea is the most representative of all due to a research that has been done with this family in the Taquari River Watershed. Despite the low samples number, the Herbarium has important regional botanic collection and it also has, among other aims, the continuos ampliation and the full computerization of records and herbarium specimens scanning threatened, endemic species and region characteristics of the Herbarium is inserted.
Last update: 01/02/2025
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
The Herbarium TVH (Taquari Valley Herbarium) collection data can be consulted for research, education and extension purposes under the following conditions: Pre authorization from the Herbarium administrators, it has to be made reference of the Taquari Valley Herbarium in articles as the source of information as well as refering the TVH in the acknowledgments. It is forbidden to sale the data. The colection's administrator has to be informed everytime the Herbarium's data are published and these data can't be redistributed without the administrator pre authorization. The TVH does not guaranty the especimens identification and associated data accuracy.
How to cite
Herbário do Vale do Taquari (HVAT)
Director or head of department:Míriam Helena Kronhardt
Elisete Maria de Freitas
Úrsula Arend
Aline Gebin Brentano
Information technology:
Marco Augusto de Mattos Reckziegel