HXBH - Herbário do Instituto SENAI de Tecnologia em Meio Ambiente
CITSF - Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia SENAI FIEMGCITSF-CETEC - Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia SENAI FIEMG campus CETEC
Instituto SENAI de Tecnologia em Meio Ambiente
Av. José Cândido da Silveira, 2000 - Bairro Horto Florestal
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
The collection from Herbarium of Instituto SENAI de Tecnologia em Meio Ambiente (HXBH) contains regional samples and taxonomic references from research projects developed in the CETEC Foundation. The collection contains currently over 16.000 specimens, the great majority belonging from Minas Gerais State. It also contains plants donated from Paraná State, Distrito Federal State and the United States.
Online since: 30/07/2014Last update: 30/07/2014
Number of records
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The commercialization of data is prohibit. It is required to quote the source of the data.
How to cite
Not specified
Director or head of department:Marcos Bartasson Tannus
Sylvia Therese Meyer Ribeiro
Aylton Carlos Soares