HbVirtFlBras - Herbário Virtual Flora Brasiliensis

UnB - Universidade de Brasília
Departamento de Botânica
Universidade de Brasília - Campus Darcy Ribeiro;
Caixa Postal 4457, Asa Norte
Brasília - DF - Brazil

The Flora Brasiliensis virtual collection was created to list all taxa and samples cited in the
Flora Brasiliensis, edited by Carl Friederich von Martius between 1840 and 1906. The William Burchell collection is a resource to aid botanists using Burchell specimens that are very data poor. There is a significant amount of Burchell collections cited in Flora Brasiliensis.

Online since: 09/08/2013
Last update: 11/09/2017

Number of records

Total: 100,488
Online: 100,488
Georeferenced: 9,807
(by municipality: 6,182)
With images: 26,685

Conditions for using the data

The Reflora Project should be cited.

How to cite

Not specified


Director or head of department:
Carolyn Elinore Barnes Proença