IAN - Instituto Agronômico do Norte
Embrapa - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa AgropecuáriaEAO - Embrapa Amazônia Oriental
Departamento de Botânica
Trav. Dr. Enéas Pinheiro, s/n°, Bairro Marco;
Caixa postal 48
Belém - PA - Brazil
The IAN Herbarium was created in 1945 by botanists João Murça Pires and William Archer. Since 2004, it has been accredited by CGEN as a faithful depositary. Its scientific collection constitutes a valuable source of documentation and information about the Amazonic region, composed by approximately 199,000 exsicates, Xyloteca composed by 8000 samples of wood, Carpoteca with 700 dehydrated fruits and 290 in liquid Medium, Phototeca with 30000 type photographs and collection of types around 3000 samples. The herbarium also have have native flowers in liquid medium(321 samples), dehydrated seeds (230), seedlings in liquid medium (54) and dehydrated seeds (65 samples). The IAN herbarium of Embrapa Amazônia Oriental stores thousands of data related to plant biodiversity, with emphasis on the Amazonic flora. In this way this institution can support researches in several areas of knowledge focused mainly on the Amazonic biome.
Online since: 12/09/2019Last update: 22/11/2024
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The data should be used only for research purposes, and prohibited for commercialization use.
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Curator:Fernanda Ilkiu Borges de Souza
Helena Joseane Raiol Souza
Sebastião Ribeiro Xavier
Silvane Tavares Rodrigues