LAG - Herbário Anita Garibaldi
UDESC - Universidade do Estado de Santa CatarinaUDESC-CERES - Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - Centro de Ensino Superior da Região Sul
Dept. de Engenharia de Pesca e Ciências Biológicas
Herbário Anita Garibaldi, UDESC-Laguna, Rua Cel. Fernandes Martins, 270 - Progresso
Laguna - SC - Brazil
The Anita Garibaldi Herbarium was named after “The Heroine of Two Worlds”, distinguished historical figure of the state of Santa Catarina and the city of Laguna. Its acronym, LAG, is also an allusion to Laguna, the city where the Center for Higher Education of the Southern Region, a campus of the University of the State of Santa Catarina (UDESC-CERES), is located. The plant symbol of the LAG Herbarium is the same as that of the city of Laguna, the “Butiá” (Butia catarinensis Noblick & Lorenzi). It is an endemic species from the restingas of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, of great ecological and economic importance due to the consumption of its fruits in natura or in other preparations such as juices and ice cream.
The municipality of Laguna is located on the southern coast of Santa Catarina and is home to a great diversity of plant formations, ranging from ombrophilous forests, herbaceous and arboreal restingas, rocky shore vegetation, to mangroves, salt marshes and other types of aquatic vegetation. Furthermore, it is in a transition area between tropical and subtropical climates, which makes it very interesting from a biogeographic point of view. Therefore, the creation of the LAG Herbarium has the potential to boost studies of the region's vegetation, which are still incipient.
The LAG Herbarium was registered in the Index Herbariorum in September 2019. Soon after, it was registered in the JBRJ Botanical Collections Management System, the Jabot. In 2021, it was formalized at UDESC-Laguna and added to the Brazilian Herbarium Network, the INCT-HVFF and the speciesLink Network. LAG’s mission is to be representative not only of the regional flora, but also of other locations and broad groups such as grasses and legumes, specialties of the curator and vice-curator of the collection, Dr. Christian da Silva and Dr. Cristiane Snak.
We are open to visits by undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, as well as the community in general (local residents, tourists, elementary schools, among others). Donations and barters are welcome and loans will be made between herbaria. We are also interested in partnerships with companies (e.g. environmental consultancy), foundations and public bodies that can generate resources for improvement and maintenance of the collection.
Last update: 01/09/2024
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How to cite
Herbário Anita Garibaldi, LAG
Curator:Christian da Silva