NHM-London-BOT - Botanical Collections

NHML - Natural History Museum London
Plants Division, Department of Life Sciences
The Natural History Museum;
Cromwell Road
London - Greater London - United Kingdom

Approximately 8% of the botany department's 6 million specimens have been databased so far, mostly as part of discrete projects or specimen loans. Please be aware that data capture may not be complete for all databased records and we are still working on improving the data quality. Only the Brazilian records are represented here.

Online since: 19/02/2015
Last update: 23/08/2016

Number of records

Total: 13,930
Online: 13,930
Georeferenced: 12,049
(by municipality: 0)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Not specified

How to cite

Not specified


Information technology:
Vince Smith