NY - The New York Botanical Garden - South America records

NYBG - The New York Botanical Garden
2900 Southern Boulevard
Bronx - NY - United States

This dataset contains information from about 300,000 specimens housed in The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium that represent vascular plants, bryophytes and fungi occurring in Brazil. All identified specimens of vascular plants from the region of Eastern Brazil (defined as the states on the Brazilian coast from Rio Grande do Norte to Rio Grande do Sul) are included in the dataset. Efforts to database bryophytes and fungi as well as vascular plants from other regions in Brazil are ongoing.

Online since: 09/11/2006
Last update: 21/08/2024

Number of records

Total: 763,634
Online: 763,634
Georeferenced: 498,862
(by municipality: 53)
With images: 687,590

Conditions for using the data

The data are not to be used for commercial purposes. You may copy and retain data solely for scholarly, educational or research purposes. You may not publish our data without prior written agreement, except for small extracts provided for illustrative purposes and duly acknowledged. NYBG makes every effort to minimize data entry errors; however, we cannot guarantee that our database is free from typos, misidentifications, or inaccurate label data. Please use the information at your own discretion.

How to cite

The New York Botanical Garden Virtual Herbarium (http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/VirtualHerbarium.asp)


Director or head of department:
Emily Sessa
Matthew Pace
Information technology:
Joel Ramires
Kimberly Watson