OUPR - Herbário Professor José Badini
UFOP - Universidade Federal de Ouro PretoDepartamento de Evolução, Biodiversidade e Meio Ambiente (DEBIO)
UFOP/ ICEB, Campus Morro do Cruzeiro s/n, Bairro Bauxita
Ouro Preto - MG - Brazil
http://www.iceb.ufop.br/debio/index.php?option=com_ content&view=article&id=71&Itemid=68
In the nineteenth century, were implanted in Brazil the following herbaria: Herbarium of the Museu Nacional / R (1808); Herbarium of the Botanical Garden of Rio de Janeiro / BR (1890), School of Pharmacy Herbarium of the Ouro Preto OUPR (1891); Herbarium Museu Paraense E. Goeldi / MG, (1895); Herbarium D. Bento Pickel / SPSF (1896) and the Herbarium of the School of Mines / EM (1900). The Herbarium Professor José Badini was founded in 1986, at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Biological (ICEB), Federal University of Ouro Preto, where were incorporated the collections of the herbaria of the School of Pharmacy, School of Mines Herbarium and Herbarium Magalhães Gomes keeping the acronym OUPR.
Among the important historical collections of the OUPR Herbarium can be cited Schwacke, Leonidas Damazio, Alvaro da Silveira, C. T. de Magalhaes Gomes and his brothers, Ducke, Costa Sena, Alfredo T. Baeta Neves, Mello Barreto, Campos Porto, Loefgren, Jacinto and Bruno Godoy, and Moacyr do Amaral Lisboa. The collection is currently about 35,000 herbarium specimens of the brazilian flora, such as exotic species. It also has several typus described mainly by botanists Alvaro da Silveira, Leonidas Damázio, Schwacke, Moacyr do Amaral Lisboa, and José Badini. This heritage, which dates back more than a century, it is always requested for consultation by various institutions and researchers from Brazil and abroad, the development of research in taxonomy, floristics, pharmacology, ecology and other sciences. Among the current collections of greatest importance in number of specimens collected merit highlighting the ones collected by Prof. José Badini, who sampled mainly Ouro Preto and region. The Herbarium Professor José Badini covers mainly the flora of the region known as Iron Quadrangle at Minas Gerais state, mainly of rocky fields (quartizite) and ferruginous fields (also called canga), and forests (riparian and semideciduous forests).
The Herbarium "Professor José Badini" is registered with the Brazilian Network of Herbarium and Index Herbariorum, which contributes to the dissemination of his collection in the scientific community, in addition to being recognized as Custodian of the Genetic Heritage at the Ministry of Environment ( Resolution No 61, DOU 07.08.2004, section 1, page 104).
Last update: 05/07/2024
Number of records
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The data stored in the Herbarium OUPR are for educational, managerial, scientific, popular science and public administration. No data from this collection (including textual information, digital photography, image, reproduction or publication in any format) can be used with commercial intent or that results in income generation partially or completely through access to and / or manipulation of information of biological collections without the express permission of the legal representative of the institution. The OUPR not be liable under any circumstances for any damage, consequence or loss of data that the use of their biological collections made public it may have caused, whether individuals or corporations.
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Qualquer pessoa que venha a desenvolver pesquisa científica (ou tecnológica) baseada nos dados acessados em páginas eletrônicas do Herbário OUPR ficam obrigados a mencionar nos trabalhos científicos relacionados com os dados acessados que venham a produzir, o uso da base de dados gerada pelo Herbário OUPR a citação do seu nome e/ou acrônimo (Herbário OUPR ou OUPR). Esse crédito deve ser feito em qualquer publicação, anúncio, correspondência ou demonstração pública que faça alusão a, ou mencione, tal dado. Os usuários do Herbário OUPR devem enviar ao respectivo Curador cópia de todas as publicações que façam uso de dados ou espécimes desta coleção.
Curator:Viviane Renata Scalon