PACA-AGP - Herbarium Anchieta - Coleção de Angiospermas

IAP - Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas
PACA Collection
Avenida Unisinos, 950 - Bloco 1E 108;
Bairro Cristo Rei
São Leopoldo - RS - Brazil

The PACA collection (angiosperms, gymnosperms and pteridophytes) has about 87.500 records specimens of Rio Grande do Sul, but also presents a good Brazilian representative. The collections are of Balduíno Rambo, Aloysio Sehnem and other botanicals that included your stuff in this collection. The PACA is known and recognized internationally

Online since: 30/03/2015
Last update: 29/08/2024

Number of records

Total: 92,972
Online: 92,972
Georeferenced: 6,382
(by municipality: 73,081)
With images: 1,023

Conditions for using the data

We have no restrictions on the release of the data.

How to cite

Herbarium Anchieta, PACA


Director or head of department:
Pedro Ignácio Schmitz
Maria Salete Marchioretto