PAMG - Herbário PAMG

EPAMIG - Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais
Departamento de Pesquisa
EPAMIG Sede - Herbário PAMG;
Av. José Cândido da Silveira, 1647, Bairro União
Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil

The PAMG Herbarium has a collection of 56,800 dried specimens and 1700 fruits. The herbalized were collected in the Cerrado and Caatinga formations of Minas Gerais. With 26 type specimens of genres: Aeschynomene, Bouganvilea, Centrosema Cienfuegosia, Polygonum, and Stylosanthes Zornia.

Online since: 25/08/2020
Last update: 04/10/2024

Number of records

Total: 56,857
Online: 9,041
Georeferenced: 8,372
(by municipality: 68)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

It is forbidden to marketing data, requiring the citation of the source of data

How to cite

Not specified


Director or head of department:
Maria Lélia Rodriguez Simão
Andréia Fonseca Silva