PEL - Herbário PEL
UFPel - Universidade Federal de PelotasDepartamento de Botânica
IB, Campus Capão do Leão/UFPEL
Rua Gomes Carneiro, 1, Centro.
Pelotas - RS - Brazil
The Herbarium PEL is part of the Department of Botany in the Institute of Biology from the Federal University of Pelotas. It was founded in 1946 by “Irmão” Teodoro Luis. Currently, it has about 27,000 specimens, covering Angiosperms, Gymnosperms, Monilophytes, Lycophytes, Hornworts, Liverworts, Mosses, Algae and Fungi. The collections are predominantly from the southern of Rio Grande do Sul and also from national and international exchanges. The Herbarium PEL is member of the Herbarium Network of Brazil and Rio Grande do Sul and of the UFPel Museum Network.
Online since: 07/05/2021Last update: 01/09/2024
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
The available data should be used for research purposes and cited appropriately, and their commercialization is prohibited.
How to cite
Herbário PEL/UFPel
Director or head of department:Raquel Lüdtke
Caroline Scherer