R-Tipos - Herbário do Museu Nacional - Coleção de Tipos

UFRJ - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
MN - Museu Nacional
Departamento de Botânica
R Collection
Museu Nacional - Departamento de Botânica;
Horto Botânico - Quinta da Boa Vista, s.n., Bairro Imperial de São Cristovão
Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil

The Herbarium R of the Botanical Department of the National Museum (University Federal of Rio de Janeiro) was founded in 1831, being the first herbarium of Brazil and the home of one of the largest herbaria in the Latin America. The herbarium contains a total of approximately 600,00 specimens. The nomenclatural typus collection of herbarium R contains a total of approximately 5,600 (3% of the general collection) specimens that is organized in compactors cabinets and alphabetically; it is in well-preserved conditions and is part of "Global Plants Initiative" Project of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The collection comes from surveys carried out mainly by naturalists important nineteenth and early twentieth century, such as E.Ule, G.O.A. Malme, G. Gardner, A.M.F. Glaziou, J.F. Widgren, A. F. Regnell, A.C. Brade, A. Ducke, C.A.W. Schwacke, F.C. Hoehne, Alvaro da Silveira, F. Freire-Allemão, R. Reitz, among others. Currently, the collection of typus of herbarium R is in process of computerization. It is an active collection in continuous growth.

Online since: 11/03/2010
Last update: 23/01/2025

Number of records

Total: 6,599
Online: 6,960
Georeferenced: 419
(by municipality: 2,986)
With images: 6,555

Conditions for using the data

The commercialization is forbiden, and it is necessary to cite the source in dissertations, theses and articles.

How to cite

Herbário do Museu Nacional - Centro de referência da biodiversidade brasileira


Director or head of department:
Cláudia Barbieri Ferreira Mendonça
Vera Lúcia Campos Martins