RON-e - Herbário Rondoniense João Geraldo Kuhlmann - Coleção estéril
UNIR - Universidade Federal de RondôniaDepartamento de Biologia
RON Collection
BR 364, km 9,5 Sentindo Acre.
Porto Velho - RO - Brazil
The Herbarium Rondoniense João Geraldo Kuhlmann (RON) was created in 2009 and is part of the Biology Department of the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR). Botanist João Geraldo Kuhlmann was chosen for his participation in collection campaigns during the Rondon Expedition in the state of Rondônia. RON-e has samples collected by the PLANAFLORO project, which conducted an inventory at various points in the state of Rondônia for the elaboration of the state's Ecological Zoning. Most of the fertile specimens made during the project were deposited in the MG herbarium, while another part remained stored in the biology department of UNIR, which the herbarium incorporated into its collection in 2012. More information can be found in the paper of Carleial & Bigio (2014 -
Online since: 05/06/2024Last update: 05/06/2024
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How to cite
Herbário Rondoniense - João Geraldo Kuhlmann - RON (
Director or head of department:Antônio Lafayette Pires da Silveira
Narcísio Costa Bígio
Osvanda Silva de Moura