SAMES-Carpoteca - Coleção Botânica de Fruto - Carpoteca
UFES - Universidade Federal do Espírito SantoCEUNES - Centro Universitário Norte do Espírito Santo
DECAB - Departamento de Ciências Agrárias e Biológicas
SAMES Collection
BR 101 Norte, Km 60 - Bairro Litorâneo
São Mateus - ES - Brazil
The SAMES carpoteca was created to support the main collection (SAMES), so as to better store, preserve and organize the fruits collected during field expeditions, especially those of inadequate size to be stored with the desiccate. The carpentry stores mainly samples of the northern Capixaba flora
Online since: 31/01/2020Last update: 01/11/2024
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
SAMEScarpo users should send the curator a copy of all publications that make use of data or Specimens from the collection. It is forbidden to commercialize and / or obtain economic gain from the data provided by SAMEScarpo except in cases that have prior authorization from the curator and that are in accordance with current legislation.
How to cite
Carpoteca do Herbário São Mateus - Espírito Santo - SAMEScarpo
Director or head of department:Luiz Antonio Favero Filho
Elisa Mitsuko Aoyama
Luis Fernando Tavares de Menezes