SHPR - Herbário da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), campus Santa Helena

UTFPR - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
UTFPR-SL - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - Campus Santa Helena
Coordenação de curso Ciências Biológicas
Prolongamento da rua Cerejeiras, s.n., Bairro São Luiz
Santa Helena - PR - Brazil

SHPR is the herbarium of the Federal University of Technology, campus Santa Helena, recently established in 2019. It is currently a small collection in growing. The collection is represented by specimens from the most diverse groups of kingdom Plantae and a few specimens of Fungi. The specimens are from different localities, with emphasis on western Paraná, mainly from the ARIE-SH (Area of Revelant Ecological Interesting), an old Biological Refuge in the border of Brazil and Paraguay. We have duplicates available for gift and exchange with other herbaria is welcome.

Online since: 18/08/2020
Last update: 30/09/2024

Number of records

Total: 4,122
Online: 5,010
Georeferenced: 4,572
(by municipality: 404)
With images: 246

Conditions for using the data

It is prohibited the commercial use of these data. Citing the source of data provided by the SHPR herbarium is mandatory.

How to cite

Herbário SHPR, da Univerisdade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Director or head of department:
Rejane Barbosa de Oliveira
Leonardo Biral