SP-Bryophyta - Maria Eneyda P. Kauffman Fidalgo
IPA/SP - Instituto de Pesquisas AmbientaisDepartamento de Biologia
SP Collection
Instituto de Botânica
Av. Miguel Stefano, 3087
Água Funda
Entrada pela portaria II
São Paulo - SP - Brazil
The SP herbaria has the biggest collection of bryophyte samples in Brazil. With 90.000 exsiccatae. There is samples from all brazilian states and ecossistems, and more 99 countries. The number of specimes in the bryophyte group are always more than the exsiccatae, because there are several species in the same sample. This herbaria is the second of in number of type bryophyte specimes housed in Brazil.
Online since: 13/08/2012Last update: 23/01/2023
Number of records
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How to cite
Coleção de briófitas do herbário SP.
Curator:Denilson Fernandes Peralta
Luana de Souza Prochazka