SPF-Algae - Herbário da Universidade de São Paulo - Coleção de Algas

USP - Universidade de São Paulo
USP-IB - Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo
Departamento de Botânica
SPF Collection
Rua do Matão,277, Cidade Universitária;
Caixa Postal: 11461
São Paulo - SP - Brazil

The phycological collection of the Herbarium of the Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo, SPF, started in the 1950's
with the work of Aylthon Brandão Joly. For 20 years Prof. Joly and his students developed and curated the collection of marine algae.
From 1970 on, Prof. Eurico Cabral de Oliveira, one of Joly's students, together with his own students, assumed this task. The SPF
herbarium holds one of the largest collection of seaweeds in Latin America, being specialized in tropical species, mainly from all
over the Brazilian littoral. Nevertheless it also includes seaweeds from about 30 countries. The collection holds over 1500 species:
280 Chlorophyta, 300 Phaeophyceae and 950 Rhodophyta, including 72 types. The herbarium exchanges material with many other herbaria in
the world and is open to utilization worldwide.

Online since: 09/06/2003
Last update: 16/08/2023

Number of records

Total: 20,449
Online: 21,084
Georeferenced: 2,069
(by municipality: 5,779)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Citar a fonte dos dados (Herbário SPF do IB/USP)

How to cite

Herbário SPF (IB/USP)


Director or head of department:
José R. Pirani
Valéria Cassano