SinBiota - Sistema de Informação do Programa Biota/Fapesp

FAPESP - Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo
Campinas - SP - Brazil

SinBiota, the environmental information system for the program Biota/Fapesp, was developed with the view of integrating information generated by researchers involved with the program and relate it to a digital cartographic base, thus providing a mechanism for disseminating information about São Paulo State’s biodiversity to the scientific community, policy and decision makers and educators.

Online since: 09/06/2003
Last update: 29/11/2022

Number of records

Total: 131,517
Online: 136,386
Georeferenced: 136,383
(by municipality: 3)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

Not specified

How to cite

Coletas e observações armazenadas no SinBiota


Carlos A. Joly