TFB - Tropical Fungarium
UESC - Universidade Estadual de Santa CruzConselho de Curadores das Coleções Científicas da UESC
Pav. Manoel Nabuco Lab. 27B, Rod. Jorge Amado km 16
Ilhéus - BA - Brazil
In line with other Brazilian teaching and research institutions, the Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC) has been promoting the formation of collections of high scientific value of organisms from the Atlantic Forest, especially from southern Bahia, where there is high biodiversity. Documentation of fungal diversity, as well as morphology, taxonomy, biogeography, history, etc. are provided through carefully established collections. Over the past 8 years, more than three thousand specimens of fungi collected in southern Bahia and other regions have been collected, which made it possible to create the Tropical Fungarium (TFB), recognized by Resolution of the UESC University Council No. 02/2016, dated 04/04/2016, which aims to promote collections and document the diversity of fungi, mainly at a regional level, maintaining a collection preserved in accordance with international scientific standards.
Online since: 12/09/2024Last update: 12/12/2024
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Not specified
How to cite
Tropical Fungarium, TFB (
Director or head of department:George Rêgo Albuquerqe
Jadergudson Pereira
Scholarship holder:
Cristiano Santana da Silva