URM-Micoteca - Micoteca URM
UFPE - Universidade Federal de PernambucoDepartamento de Micologia
Av. da Engenharia, s/nº, Cidade Universitária
Recife - PE - Brazil
Since the 1950s, the URM Culture Collection has been working on identification, preservation and more recently, analysis of the biotechnological potentialities of the fungi deposited in its collection. The URM Culture Collection preserves about 10 mil fungi samples using four different methods: mineral oil, lyophilization, sterilized distilled water and ultra-freezing. This Collection suplly strains for researchers from Pernambuco and other states in Brazil, as well for researchers from other countries. Since 2010 the URM Culture Collection is "fiel depositária do Patrimônio Genético nacional" [the custodian of the national Genetic Heritage by Brazilian Goverment]. Currently, the URM Culture Collection is certificate with ISO 9001: 2008, with the scope for Preservation, Identification and Supply in Fungi Cultures.
Online since: 12/04/2017Last update: 17/04/2017
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Curator:Cristina Maria de Souza Motta
Rejane Pereira Neves
Susana Carvalho de Sousa
Scholarship holder:
Luan Amim de Oliveira Penna