URM - Herbário Pe. Camille Torrend
UFPE - Universidade Federal de PernambucoHerbário URM;Depto. de Micologia;Centro de Ciências Biológicas;Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Recife - PE - Brazil
The Herbarium Fr. Camille Torrend (URM) was created in 1954, under the leadership of the illustrious mycologist Prof. Augusto Chaves Batista. In its first year of operation, the URM Herbarium had 1141 registered exsiccatae. This number was soon increased, thanks to donations made, among others, by Prof. Petrak (fungi from Austria), by the Universities of Pavia and University of California and by the Institute of Botany at the University of Turku, Finland (Pucciniaceae). Among the main national collectors are Bento Pickel, E.P. Heringer, Oswaldo Soares, Dárdano de Andrade Lima, Albino Vital and Prof. Augusto Chaves Batista. Among important international collectors, the collaboration of the following scientists should be highlighted: Fr. Camille Torrend, E. Petrak, Rolf Singer, J.L. Howard, G.W. Martin, T.H. MacBride, N. Harrington, J.P. Trace, J.A. von Arx, B. Cooke, R. Ciferri, K. Pirozinski, H. Johannes, and others. Duplicates of Flora Santesson, Fungi Excicattii Fennici, Mycologicum Herbarum - Washington State College, Fungi of Oregon, Flora of Sweden, Herbarum Museu Botanica Upsaliensis, Fungi Bohemia, University of Toronto and Herbarium - Pennsilvania State College , among others. Currently, the URM Herbarium has more than 90,000 records, and its collection of herborized fungi is one of the largest in Latin America, consisting mainly of samples from the North and Northeast regions of Brazil.
Online since: 25/03/2008Last update: 14/02/2025
Number of records
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How to cite
Herbário URM/Micologia/CCB/UFPE (http://inct.florabrasil.net/herbario-urm/)
Curator:Leonor Costa Maia
Tatiana Gibertoni (co-responsável)
Scholarship holder:
Nicole Helena de Brito Gondim