US - Smithsonian Department of Botany - South American records

SMITHSONIAN - Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
Washington - DC - United States

The plant collections of the Smithsonian Institution began with the acquisition of specimens collected by the United States Exploring Expedition (1838-1842). These formed the foundation of a national herbarium which today numbers 4.8 million historical plant records, placing it among the world's largest and most important. Over 1.2 million specimen records (including over 105,000 type specimens with images) are currently available in the online catalog at the Smithsonian. Integrated to speciesLink are data of specimens collected in South America.

Online since: 14/10/2016
Last update: 29/07/2024

Number of records

Total: 1,048,864
Online: 1,048,864
Georeferenced: 298,522
(by municipality: 48,019)
With images: 369,369

Conditions for using the data


How to cite



Information technology:
Thomas Orrell