ZUEC-AVE - Coleção de Aves do Museu de Zoologia da UNICAMP
UNICAMP - Universidade Estadual de CampinasMuseu de Zoologia ''Adão José Cardoso'', Instituto de Biologia
Museu de Zoologia do INstitudo de Biologia; Rua Albert Einstein s/n; Caixa
Postal 6109;
Campinas - SP - Brazil
The Aves collection of the Museum of Zoology "Prof. Adão José Cardoso" located at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) has approximately 2.377 recorded specimens representing about 660 species. Most of the material is preserved as dry skins, nests and eggs, although a small portion (mainly nestlings) in alcohol 70%. There are specimens from several Brazilian regions (mainly Southeast, Central West and the Atlantic coast of Northeast), which are the result of several projects and researches conducted by the faculty and students of the Zoology Department since the 70's. The collection is being digitalized and managed through the MS-Access data bank manager. Most of the material is organized as a scientific collection, destined to ornithological research and accessible to professionals and students as well. Part of the material composes a collection destined to educational purpose, whose specimens are available for lending and teaching.
Online since: 10/11/2004Last update: 24/10/2024
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Not specified
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Director or head of department:Antonia Cecilia Zacagnini Amaral
Ivan Sazima
Wesley Rodrigues Silva