CZDP-Reptilia - Coleção Zoológica Delta do Parnaíba - Reptilia

UFPI - Universidade Federal do Piauí
UFPI-MRV - Universidade Federal do Piauí - Campus Ministro Reis Velloso
CZDP Collection
Avenida São Sebastião, 2819 - Reis Velloso
Parnaíba - PI - Brazil

The Parnaiba Delta Zoological Collection was started from a pioneer project in the region, called PROBID (Biodiversity Project Delta ), which began in 2008 with financing of Funding Support Foundation for the Environment ( FNMA ) and counted wth logistic Support of ONG ICEP ( Cashew Island Institute Research and Development ) . In this project coordinated by teacher Dr. Jose Roberto S. A. Leite ( First curator of the Collection) were done Several inventories. Regarding the reptiles, mainly we have representatives of the Squamata order, mostly snakes.The project has supported the creation of the collection that now has as curator Dr. Anderson Guzzi , professor of the biology course at Federal University of Piaui (UFPI) . The collection account specimens in parts, or full body or founded in highways, and preserved in alcohol, for systematics and ecology Studies. The specimens are mainly from Piaui and Maranhao , representing a great sampling tool for these areas .

Online since: 21/09/2016
Last update: 12/04/2017

Number of records

Total: 236
Online: 236
Georeferenced: 5
(by municipality: 214)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

it is forbidden to sell data, it is required to inform the responsible person for collection when data are used and to send a copy of publication in which data are cited

How to cite

Coleção Zoológica Delta do Parnaíba, CZDP-Reptilia


Director or head of department:
Alexandro Marinho
Anderson Guzzi
Mário Sérgio Duarte Branco