HABIT - Herbário Professor Aluízio Bittencout

UEMA - Universidade Estadual do Maranhão
Departamento de química e biologia
Morro Alecrim, Praça Duque de Caxias, S/N
Caxias - MA - Brazil

The herbarium Aluízio Bittencourt- HABIT, has the objetive to realize Botanical research and collect records, about the species of flora of Maranhão and from Brazil. The material that constitute the acquis originated from Cerrado, but have species of the more different vegetable formations of state. Currently the HABIT have an acquis of 10.200 sample, distributed between Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Angiosperms. The acquis has the largest Bryophythes collection of Middle-North from Brazil, with approximated 4.000 sample. The HABIT currently is constituted for the physical space ample to the guard of collection, informatics room and register of specie, curator room, analysis and identification room; and deposit.

Online since: 12/06/2018
Last update: 09/12/2024

Number of records

Total: 10,200
Online: 6,038
Georeferenced: 5,942
(by municipality: 93)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

The data of the Botanic Collection of HABIT, can not be commercialized. When citing material from the Herbarium HABIT, it is mandatory to cite the source.

How to cite

Not specified


Deusiano Bandeira de Almeida
Gonçalo Mendes da Conceição
Regigláucia Rodrigues de Oliveira
Scholarship holder:
Paula Regina Pereira Martins