UFBA-PSE - Coleção Aracnológica (ordem Pseudoscorpiones) do Museu de História Natural da Universidade Federal da Bahia
UFBA - Universidade Federal da BahiaZoologia
UFBA-Aracnideos Collection
Av. Barão de Geremoabo, n, 147, Campus
Universitário de Ondina
Salvador - BA - Brazil
The Scientific Collection of pseudoscorpions of the Museum of Natural History of the Federal University of Bahia (MHNBA) had its first record in December 1996, from 12 specimens collected in the region of the São Francisco dunes, municipality of Barra, Bahia. Collection was interrupted in the following years and was only resumed recently, in 2022. It is a small collection, where only 16 lots from locations in Bahia are listed, with data organized in an Excel spreadsheet. None of the lots are identified at any taxonomic level other than order.
Online since: 22/08/2023Last update: 27/06/2024
Number of records
Conditions for using the data
It is forbidden to sell the date and it is necessary to cite the source of collection if using.
How to cite
Coleção Científica de Pseudoescorpiões do Museu de História Natural da Universidade Federal da Bahia.
Director or head of department:Francisco Kelmo Oliveira dos Santos
Tania Kobler Brazil
Julia Andrade de Sá
Maria Luiza Romão