
Overall content

Data sets 590
Total number of records 18,196,624
Records with images 5,581,652
Georeferenced records 13,285,600
Records georeferenced by municipality 3,852,078
Records with coordinates 9,433,522
Records of threatened species 157,846
Records with accepted names 11,638,962
Distinct accepted names 315,858
Records of type specimens 501,793

Record classification

By taxonomic group
Botanical 13,594,194
Zoological 4,227,242
Broad scope 332,059
Microbiological 37,922
Paleontological 7,452
By basis of record
Fossil specimen 14,472
Human observation 107,808
Living specimen 15,461
Machine observation 251,717
Preserved specimen 17,362,113
Others 155,351

Data providers

Federal Institute 6
Federal Institute of Education, S&T 3
Federal University 55
Foreign Institution 37
Municipal Institute 4
Municipal University 1
NGO/Social Organization 5
Private Company 4
Private University 14
Public Company 5
State Institute 18
State Secretary 1
State University 24
Individual 6
Total 0

Network map

[network map]
Broad scope Animals Fossil Microorganisms Plants and Fungi

Records by country (South America)

Argentina 415,840
Bolivia 867,977
Brazil 11,212,110
Chile 266,914
Colombia 831,761
Ecuador 1,049,748
Guyana 252,565
French Guyana 182,680
Paraguay 306,284
Peru 1,180,095
Suriname 150,194
Uruguay 48,288
Venezuela 671,537

Records by region (Brazil)

Midwest 1,238,664
North 1,595,957
Northeast 1,937,296
South 2,165,302
Southeast 3,505,665

Records by state (Brazil)

Acre 110,585
Alagoas 90,464
Amapá 76,357
Amazonas 686,107
Bahia 971,916
Ceará 143,747
Distrito Federal 205,425
Espírito Santo 516,822
Goiás 325,568
Maranhão 133,740
Mato Grosso 375,082
Mato Grosso do Sul 264,658
Minas Gerais 1,162,178
Pará 482,643
Paraíba 112,723
Paraná 869,816
Pernambuco 270,075
Piauí 74,738
Rio de Janeiro 490,118
Rio Grande do Norte 65,943
Rio Grande do Sul 840,699
Rondônia 148,010
Roraima 92,255
Santa Catarina 454,787
São Paulo 1,336,547
Sergipe 73,950
Tocantins 67,931

Network evolution


2011 72,381
2012 206,279
2013 260,537
2014 908,731
2015 1,037,138
2016 1,385,752
2017 1,968,857
2018 2,261,627
2019 3,022,597
2020 4,537,361
2021 4,742,238
2022 5,030,032
2023 6,032,848
2024 6,462,980