Overall content
Data sets | 587 |
Total number of records | 18,027,824 |
Records with images | 5,487,020 |
Georeferencing | |
Georeferenced records | 13,141,074 |
Records georeferenced by municipality | 3,844,595 |
Records with coordinates | 9,296,479 |
Species | |
Records of threatened species | 156,927 |
Records with accepted names | 11,528,025 |
Distinct accepted names | 314,139 |
Records of type specimens | 500,085 |
Record classification
By taxonomic group | |
Botanical | 13,506,918 |
Zoological | 4,145,718 |
Broad scope | 332,059 |
Microbiological | 36,955 |
Paleontological | 7,452 |
By basis of record | |
Fossil specimen | 14,048 |
Human observation | 107,808 |
Living specimen | 15,461 |
Machine observation | 180,794 |
Preserved specimen | 17,265,586 |
Others | 154,538 |
Data providers
Federal Institute | 6 |
Federal Institute of Education, S&T | 3 |
Federal University | 55 |
Foreign Institution | 37 |
Municipal Institute | 4 |
Municipal University | 1 |
NGO/Social Organization | 5 |
Private Company | 4 |
Private University | 14 |
Public Company | 5 |
State Institute | 18 |
State Secretary | 1 |
State University | 23 |
Individual | 6 |
Total | 0 |
Records by country (South America)
Argentina | 414,875 |
Bolivia | 866,509 |
Brazil | 11,173,891 |
Chile | 266,493 |
Colombia | 830,555 |
Ecuador | 1,048,633 |
Guyana | 252,430 |
French Guyana | 182,489 |
Paraguay | 306,079 |
Peru | 1,178,454 |
Suriname | 150,032 |
Uruguay | 48,213 |
Venezuela | 670,388 |
Records by region (Brazil)
Midwest | 1,299,659 |
North | 1,553,722 |
Northeast | 1,917,886 |
South | 2,155,003 |
Southeast | 3,461,901 |
Records by state (Brazil)
Acre | 110,253 |
Alagoas | 89,342 |
Amapá | 76,472 |
Amazonas | 645,271 |
Bahia | 968,876 |
Ceará | 141,380 |
Distrito Federal | 228,474 |
Espírito Santo | 496,124 |
Goiás | 351,513 |
Maranhão | 134,552 |
Mato Grosso | 375,612 |
Mato Grosso do Sul | 266,005 |
Minas Gerais | 1,164,561 |
Pará | 479,269 |
Paraíba | 111,497 |
Paraná | 864,941 |
Pernambuco | 267,579 |
Piauí | 69,020 |
Rio de Janeiro | 486,710 |
Rio Grande do Norte | 64,506 |
Rio Grande do Sul | 837,713 |
Rondônia | 150,169 |
Roraima | 92,288 |
Santa Catarina | 452,349 |
São Paulo | 1,314,506 |
Sergipe | 71,134 |
Tocantins | 78,055 |
Network evolution
2011 | 72,381 |
2012 | 206,279 |
2013 | 260,537 |
2014 | 908,731 |
2015 | 1,037,138 |
2016 | 1,385,752 |
2017 | 1,968,857 |
2018 | 2,261,627 |
2019 | 3,022,597 |
2020 | 4,537,361 |
2021 | 4,742,238 |
2022 | 5,030,032 |
2023 | 6,032,848 |
2024 | 6,354,119 |