CZDP-Amphibia - Coleção Zoológica Delta do Parnaíba-Amphibia

UFPI - Universidade Federal do Piauí
UFPI-MRV - Universidade Federal do Piauí - Campus Ministro Reis Velloso
CZDP Collection
Avenida São Sebastião, 2819 - Reis Velloso
Parnaíba - PI - Brazil

The Parnaiba Delta Zoological Collection was started from a pioneer project in the region, called PROBID (Biodiversity Project Delta ), which began in 2008 with financing of Funding Support Foundation for the Environment ( FNMA ) and counted wth logistic Support of ONG ICEP ( Cashew Island Institute Research and Development ) . In this project coordinated by teacher Dr. Jose Roberto S. A. Leite ( First curator of the Collection) were done Several inventories especially in relation to anfiobiofauna and carcinofauna of the region . Regarding the amphibians , this work served as the basis for the identification of species of biotechnological importance for the health, because the present poisons of these animals are several toxins of pharmacological importance . The project has supported the creation of the collection that now has as curator Dr. Anderson Guzzi , professor of the biology course at Federal University of Piaui (UFPI) . The collection account whole specimens and preserved in alcohol, for systematics and ecology Studies. The specimens are mainly from Piaui and Maranhao , representing a great sampling tool for these areas .

Online since: 21/09/2016
Last update: 28/06/2017

Number of records

Total: 701
Online: 701
Georeferenced: 140
(by municipality: 518)
With images: 0

Conditions for using the data

it is forbidden to sell data, it is required to inform the responsible person for collection when data are used and to send a copy of publication in which data are cited

How to cite

Coleção Zoológica Delta do Parnaíba, CZDP-Amphibia


Director or head of department:
Alexandro Marinho
Anderson Guzzi
Mário Sérgio Duarte Branco